Queen Rehendhi - a symbol of empowerment for Maldivians

Al-Sultana Khadeejah Sri Raadha Abaarana Mahaa Rehendhi or more famously known as just Rehendhi Khadeejah (meaning Queen Khadeejah), was the Sultana of the Maldives from 1347 to 1380.

She was one of the earliest female rulers in a Muslim nation and one of the few female rulers in the recorded history of Maldives.

According to Ibn Battuta: "The orator (khatib) mentioned the queen (sultana) in the Friday prayer and also on other occasions. 'O my God!' says he, 'help Thy female slave whom Thou in Thy wisdom hast chosen from all creatures and made an instrument of Thy grace for all Muslims."

Ibn Battuta describe that the women in the Maldives did not cover themselves with veils as other Muslim women, neither does queen Khadija, and that all efforts to make them do so failed.

Sultana Khadeeja is one of the most popular historical figures of the Maldives. The history of Maldives records the exploits of heroes such as Mohamed Thakurufaanu and Dhon Bandaarain, but the records of the few Queens that have been passed down through the generations are nothing more than a few lines recording their titles and genealogy. One of the few exceptions to this general trend has been the stories of Queen Khadeeja.Her hold on to power for more than 30 years despite the challenges, would have been noteworthy even if she were of the opposite gender. Her power came at a great personal cost for her, loss of a beloved brother, two husbands and possibly several other contemporaries.

She was deposed twice, each time by her own husband, forcing her to stand up against him and quite possibly her own courtiers who conspired against her. She successfully deposed three Kings; her brother and two husbands. Despite successfully managing to assassinate three Kings, it is impressive how she managed to escape a similar fate.

She has become the symbol of female empowerment for Maldivians. An underground feminist movement in the early 2000s named themselves "Rehendhi", after the formidable Queen.


  1. Why'd you just copy and paste from the wikipedia article? You could've at least changed the wording slightly.


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